• SHILP Program

    SHILP Program

    SHILP is an initiative by Community Action Collab, in partnership with the MacArthur Foundation, to build the resilience of the leaders of Community Organisations (COs) who work with vulnerable communities. 

  • CO Diaries

    Community Organizations (CO) Diaries

    Know more about the backgrounds, stories and much more about community organizations, as they walk the SHILP journey

  • Leadership Development

    Leadership Development

    Leaders grow and thrive when they have the right skills, knowledge and perspectives to play their roles. Read...

  • Institutional Building

    Institutional Building

    Organizations need nurturing – quite like a seed that needs appropriate soil, conditions that support its growth and a varied set of inputs at regular intervals to blossom and bear fruit. Explore this section further to find the ingredients to grow your organizations.

Program SHILP

SHILP covers community organisations across the country which cater to diverse communities, including female and male sex workers, people living with HIV, farmers, artisans, and members of the tribal community to build resilience.